用語集は下にあります First the answer for the last blogs quiz was……. A) Pancreas (膵臓) Now on to the blog….. Today’s is a quote by Robert Green...

Say What...?
用語集は下にあります. Today’s topic is about one of my favorite Japanese saying. 五臓六腑にしみる!!! Sorry, but I will not translate this to English..........

The Grass...
用語集は下にあります。 Hello again, Today’s topic comes from a picture I had seen. The picture’s caption is “Be thankful for what you have”. I...

How to get lucky...
用語集は下にあります。 Long time no see... Today’s quote was mentioned in a lesson the other day by one of my students and was by the Roman...

Slow Progress...
In today’s blog I’d like to talk about motivation (動機付け). Without getting into any deep explanation. Motivation is having the drive (やる気)...

The Answers are....
This time's entry will be shortish.... I think , The answers to the last blog are... 1) After Golden Week, we all long for another long...