皆さん、こんばんは(〃艸〃) 夫婦間の誕生日プレゼントって悩みませんか? 特に高価な物の趣味のある人 買うものにこだわりのある人・・・ は簡単に買うと、失敗することが多い気がします(相手の期待に応えきれない様な・・・) 夫の好きな腕時計・・・ 買ってあげたいけど、うちにそ...

Long time no see! Today's blog is by me Mario! Just kidding. It's me Antoine. Today's blog is going to be a quiz based on the vocabulary...

And the answer is....
用語集は下にあります A) Bruce Lee Yes the answer is always Bruce Lee. You can’t go wrong when you bet on Bruce Lee… Now on to today blog… Sorry...

Say What...?
用語集は下にあります. Today’s topic is about one of my favorite Japanese saying. 五臓六腑にしみる!!! Sorry, but I will not translate this to English..........

Blanks! 空白
用語集は下にあります。 As all my students know, I like to review previously learned vocabulary using sentence blanks. As this is the first time for...

Here's a very short post. And the answer to last time’s question is …… A) They are the same for some background information, please check...

本当に!Is that so?
用語集は下にあります。 Hello again. Today’s topic / question is about typhoons. In a lesson I had recently a student asked, “What’s the difference...

Generation Gap
用語集は下にあります。 Evening!!! Today’s blog is based on a question one of my students posed in class. “When have you felt a generation gap?” This...

The answer is....
Hello again all, Obon has passed and the weather is finally starting to cool down. Thank goodness! Then again, maybe it’s the approaching...

何でだろう? aka Why is that?
Sorry for the delay in blogging, but I was busy with Obon…. ok not really, but I was a bit busy. Speaking of Obon…. Most people who live...