今朝も寒かったですね。 私の自宅は古民家で外も中も同じくらい寒いです。(>_<) 室内温度は8度( ゚Д゚) なかなか起きられませんでした⤵ さてさて、今日のお題「草スキー」ですが、先週の日曜日隣町の公園で子供達と草スキー(草ソリ)をしてきました。...

Long Time No See...
用語集は下にあります Sorry for the long time off. We had school bazaars, tests, thanksgiving and more... This times blog is about a bit of school...

And the answer is....
用語集は下にあります A) Bruce Lee Yes the answer is always Bruce Lee. You can’t go wrong when you bet on Bruce Lee… Now on to today blog… Sorry...

Who said that...?
用語集は下にあります Hello, Hello… It’s that time again for you to match the quote to who said it. Today’s quote is …… “The only person you need to...

Simply Breathtaking....
用語集は下にあります Hello hello… First, the answer to last time’s blog. The answer was…. D) All of the above Today’s blog is about the weather!...

Say What....
用語集は下にあります Long time no see…. Sorry for the hiatus, I’ve been quite busy but that’s no excuse. On with the blog…. Today’s blog is about a...

用語集は下にあります First the answer for the last blogs quiz was……. A) Pancreas (膵臓) Now on to the blog….. Today’s is a quote by Robert Green...

Say What...?
用語集は下にあります. Today’s topic is about one of my favorite Japanese saying. 五臓六腑にしみる!!! Sorry, but I will not translate this to English..........

The Grass...
用語集は下にあります。 Hello again, Today’s topic comes from a picture I had seen. The picture’s caption is “Be thankful for what you have”. I...

How to get lucky...
用語集は下にあります。 Long time no see... Today’s quote was mentioned in a lesson the other day by one of my students and was by the Roman...