And the answer is....
用語集は下にあります A) Bruce Lee Yes the answer is always Bruce Lee. You can’t go wrong when you bet on Bruce Lee… Now on to today blog… Sorry...

Who said that...?
用語集は下にあります Hello, Hello… It’s that time again for you to match the quote to who said it. Today’s quote is …… “The only person you need to...

用語集は下にあります First the answer for the last blogs quiz was……. A) Pancreas (膵臓) Now on to the blog….. Today’s is a quote by Robert Green...

How to get lucky...
用語集は下にあります。 Long time no see... Today’s quote was mentioned in a lesson the other day by one of my students and was by the Roman...
Hello world!
I know, it's a cheesy way to start but hey, you've got to start some where. For today's first post, let's look at one of my favorite...