First the answer for the last blogs quiz was…….
A) Pancreas (膵臓)
Now on to the blog…..
Today’s is a quote by Robert Green Ingersoll…
Yes, his name is a mouthful and you probably have no idea who he is…..
but he was a pretty smart man and a “good lawyer”.
On to the quote,

Boom! Mind blown!
Mic drop.
mouthful: 言いにくい長い言葉
probably: 多分 have no idea: 全く分からない
pretty: かなり smart: 頭がいい lawyer: 弁護士
anger: 怒り wind: 風 blow out: 吹き消す
lamp: 灯火 mind: 心 (でも英語のmindは思考・感情, 精神)
Boom! Mind blown: 衝撃的〜
Mic drop: マイクドロップ; スピーチやトークを終えた人がわざとマイクを床に落とす行為。